miercuri, 30 ianuarie 2013

Some old, some new

Am avut norocul sa cumpar si sa primesc cateva lucruri minunate in ultima perioada :-D

Lately I was fortunate to buy or become as gifts wonderful things :-D

Pantofii mei de la BB Up sunt foarte comozi si frumosi

My BB Up shoes are very comfortable and pretty

Aceasta haina am cumparat-o de pe okazii.ro de aici si este extraordinar de moale si pufoasa :-D de abia astept sa o port!

I bought this coat from okazii.ro and it is very very fluffy and soft :-D I can't wait to wear it!

Toate hainele de mai jos le-am primit de la o prietena (multumesc mult!) Am selectat preferatele mele, insa am primit MULT mai multe @-)

All of the clothes below are from a friend (tks a lot!) I selected my favorites here but I got A LOT MORE @-)

Am vrut de cand lumea o fusta cu imprimeu floral mare:

I wanted a big floral print skirt since forever:

Camasa din catifea e asaaaa moale :-D (si nu e lucioasa ca in poza :-S)

The button up is sooooo soft :-D (an it's not shiny like in the photo :-S)

Ador decolteul cascada

Love the waterfall neckline

Ai zice ca sunt pantaloni simpli...nimic deosebit...

You would think they are normal shorts...nothing special...

...dar cad perfect pe fund! :-P multumita croiului "de moda veche"

 ...but they look great at the back! :-P thanks to "old school" tailoring

si numai pentru ca am eu chef, va fi un final siropos :-P
and just because I feel like it I'm gonna have a mushy ending :-P

Marylin Monroe AND Nat King Cole - When I fall in love
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  1. Te invit la giveaway-ul ModaRE aici: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=549945278356704&set=a.517944884890077.121382.516212638396635&type=1&theater
